
Here you can find all the commands of the bot, but before reading over the rest of the pages, there are some things you need to know about the commands.


All commands here are going to be prefixed with a +, but remember that if you ever change your prefix, you will have to use the one you choose instead of the one shown here.

Moreover, you will see that some commands have parameters with different symbols. The ones surrounded by { } are required ones, while the ones between [ ] are optional.
You might also find some of them between < >. In this case, you have to literally type one of words there, as they are not an actual value, but just an option, generally specifying the behavior of the command.
In any of the cases, you must not include the symbols while running the commands.

If an argument has different options available, you will see all of them separated with a slash (/).
Some commands parameters might also have an option which is meant to disable or delete a value. In these cases, you will find the slash (/) and some quotes (" ").
For example, in the command:

+set logs {channel / "none"}

You can either mention a channel, send the channel ID or type none if you do not want logs to go to any channel.

One other aspect to take into account, is that if next to a command you see a badge like this with the text Thread Only, it means that the command will not work outside a thread channel.

And last but not least, some commands require you to indicate a channel or user, but not all of them accept mentions. Because of this, when you see channel/user, you can use both a mention or an ID. However, if you see channelID/userID, you can only use the ID.


All commands have a predefined level, which can be ADMIN, SUPPORT or REGULAR. You will find this level below each command here in the docs.
If a command requires SUPPORT permissions, then only those roles and users with SUPPORT or ADMIN will be able to use the command.

You will see how to configure the permissions on the configuration commands section.